The East Los Angeles Community Clinic has created a series of bilingual brochures and posters aimed at Latino men. Each piece targets a specific fatherhood or health issue affecting Latino men today and offers culturally sensitive information and counsel.
Sexual Health
The East Los Angeles Community Clinic has created a series of bilingual brochures and posters aimed at Latino men. Each piece targets a specific fatherhood or health issue affecting Latino men today and offers culturally sensitive information and counsel.
Teen Pregnancy
Reminds young men that fatherhood is both a blessing and burden that carries lifelong responsibilities. Fatherhood is achieved not just by having a baby, but also by recognizing that individual actions touch and change everyone in your life for years to come.
Preventing Male Cancers
Explains that male cancers, especially prostate cancer, can be conquered when detected and treated early. Acknowledges these matters are uncomfortable and embarrassing, but demonstrates taking control of your health is sign of great personal strength.
Avoiding Alcoholism
Discusses how alcohol can break the spirit of children, families, and communities. Provides facts about alcohol’s impact on Latinos and offers suggestions for safe alcohol consumption.
Make Strength Your Substance: Reject Substance Abuse
Focuses on the impact of intergenerational substance abuse. Explains warning signs of addiction and dependence on drugs and alcohol.
Preventing HIV/AIDS
Provides facts about HIV transmission and testing with an emphasis on redefining the meaning of “macho” in the context of Latino sexuality.
The Fatherhood Toolkit
Designed by service practitioners with a personal understanding of Latino culture, the toolkit offers proven strategies and interventions to help Latino men of all ages strengthen and heal their families. DOWNLOAD
Fatherhood Lessons, Lesson to Live by
Builds on the seven guiding principles that infuse every aspect of a responsible father’s life. Reminds men, through stories, the lifelong impact a father has on a child’s life. Suggests simple actions men can take to honor and implement these values in their lives.
A Noble Man
Illustrates that being a man includes being a man of your word — un hombre con palabra. Outlines the seven guiding principles to remind men of the importance of pursuing nobility, responsibility, and honesty in their lives.
Your Greatest Work
Native American Fatherhood