HGI Healing and Wellness Gathering
About Healing Generations
NCN in partnership with the Brotherhood of Elders through a Healing Generations Frame work promotes familial community healing and addresses persistent community strife through the incorporation of indigenous culturally-based philosophy, principals, processes and practices. Core principles of the Healing Generation Frame work include:
- Placing identity, culture and healing at the center of all service development and implementation.
- Prioritizing an intergenerational focus of elders, yelders, youth and the extended kinship network, or Compadres, in taking responsibility for guiding the next generation in the community.
- Implementing the long-standing tradition al Huehuetlatolli (wisdom of the elders) and circulo de palabra (talking/healing circles) as natural approaches to reclaim the dignity, health, character, and strength of youth their families and communities.
- Modeling principles of Un Hombre Noble (Noble Men), where honorable men are true to their word, have a sense of responsibility for their well-being and the well-being of others in their circulos and the greater community while building on their positive cultural traditions.
At the programmatic level, La Cultura Cura, or Transformational Health is a method for healing and healthy development that is inextricably linked to restoring one’s true cultural identity as the foundation of well-being for individuals, families, communities and society alike. It employs a multigenerational process of learning and/or remembering one’s true and positive cultural values, principles, customs, and traditions.
As a result of the intergenerational healing, these communities coalesce a commo voice that advocates for better health/education al outcomes for children and families to develop a unified stance against abuse of women and children create a strong voice against all forms of violence (familial and community), and leverage new resources from governmental and non‐governmental sources to support these local state wide and national efforts.

Our mission is to bring culturally rooted, intergenerational healing, leadership, and social justice work to their communities, public systems, and social movements while we support and inspire youth, yelders, and elders.
We envision a society rooted in a shared sense of interconnected sacredness and belonging. Where the ancestral and indigenous wisdom of all people is seen as the foundation for overall health, healing, and wellbeing.
Where racial and gender equity drive how we fund, govern and operate all our public systems.
Where systems are caring and compassionate and truly hear the voices and represent the needs of young people, their families, and communities.
Where in every community there is an extended kinship support system of health, healing, and leadership for the good of all.
Our Approach:
We seek to strengthen the local web of family, community and systemic supports for healing by building a cadre of elders, yelders, young leaders, and activists grounded in indigenous culturally based, trauma-informed, healing philosophy and practice.
Together, they will advocate for transformative healing-informed policy and systems change while simultaneously preparing public leaders and staff in systems, serving organizations and CBO’s to deliver healing-informed care.
- All people are sacred and blessings in the authentic sense of who they are.
- All people carry the intuitive knowledge and power to grow and heal and collectively can promote health and healing for all.
- All people have a Sacred Purpose in life and can contribute in a positive way to themselves, their families and communities.
- All people have indigenous ancestral values, teachings, and medicine that can guide, support and heal themselves and their communities.
- All people deserve a safe, sacred community where people provide support, healing and guidance.
HGI Objectives:
- To support the development, funding and implementation of indigenous-rooted, trauma-informed, healing-centered practices, programs and policies.
- To strengthen the knowledge, skills and commitment of individuals and organizations directly serving or advocating for Boys and Men of Color (BMoC) and their families.
- To support the leadership and guidance of local community Elders/Healers.
- To promote the healing of the social, emotional, and spiritual trauma of residents in communities experiencing crisis.
- To share information and knowledge gained through fulfilling our mission and objectives in oral, printed and virtual media.
Measurable Objectives:
- To co-create an Institute that serves as the hub for intergenerational healing.
- To promote indigenously-based, trauma-informed, healing-centered funding, policies, and practice locally, nationally, and internationally.
- To co-create with regional community’s health and healing support systems capable of responding to the social, emotional, and spiritual needs of its residents.
- To build on and strengthen the capacity of elders, yelders and the next generation of youth leaders to do culturally rooted healing and movement building work.
- To build the capacity of people working with boys and men of color – from service providers to neighborhood leaders to public systems’ leaders – to deliver indigenous, culturally based, trauma informed, healing centered services.
- To strengthen the wellbeing and sustainability of healing and movement leaders.
- To develop a web-based Resource Center for constituents working with communities of color and other underserved populations.
- To transform educational, juvenile justice, health, and mental health systems so they become trauma informed, healing centered and rooted in racial healing and racial equity.
The Racial Healing Practitioner’s Network (RHP) is a network of Healing Practitioners that are working towards national racial equity and racial healing through mentorship, training, and support of local community healing practitioners. NCN, in partnership with the Solidarity Healing Leadership Team (Wisdom Keepers), RHP Fellows, and national partners, established the RHP Network by identifying healing practitioners, locally and regionally. Click here for more information.

Healing Generations is a podcast that addresses the question of how we transform and heal generations of trauma and inequity in our society today. As part of a larger effort of the Healing Generations Institute, we will invite the insights of cultural wisdom keepers, healers, social advocates and visionaries as they offer the medicine that can guide us on our journey towards justice and interconnected sacredness for all. All podcasts are available and hosted by:
Karina Vega
Bea Gonzalez
David Bouttavong
Tia Martinez
Nicole Lee
Lecia Harrison
Greg King
Paco Retana
Seng So
Robert Howard
George Galvis
Sergio Morales
Debra Carramillo
Virginia Carmelo
Michael Duncan