Training Curricula

Culturally Based Curricula and Overviews
NCN has a strong history of successful community-based program development and implementation, which has resulted in model programs that have received formal recognition in many communities across the nation. NCN has developed effective and industry recognized training, technical assistance and curriculum models that are currently in place nationwide. The four base curricula are Joven Noble Rites of Passage Character Development, Girasol Female Rites of Passage, Cara y Corazon/ Face and Heart Family Strengthening, and the Círculos Healing and Support Circle systems.

La Cultura Cura Overview Session
An overview session on the indigenous-based culturally-rooted philosophy of Transformational Health and Healing. This overview session offers a personal connection to historical and generational trauma, its impacts on families and communities, and how individuals, families, and communities have their own healing-centered culturally rooted practices.
Session Slots: 30 to 60 people in person and 200 virtually. Can accommodate up to 500 for a higher rate.
3-hour session in person or 2.5 hours virtually.

Joven Noble – The Noble Youth Rites of Passage Character Development
El Joven Noble is a comprehensive healing-centered, indigenous based, youth leadership development program that supports and guides youth through their initial step of a “rites of passage” process while focusing on the prevention of substance abuse, teen pregnancy, relationship violence, gang violence, and school failure.
Training Slots: 30 people in person and 20 virtual training
3.5 days in person or 4.5 days of virtual sessions
Advance Joven Noble Training curricula offers the full three-step model of the Joven Noble Rites of Passage model. The training supports Joven Noble Circle Keepers by building a holistic and culturally rooted process that offers cultural and gender identity development, leadership development, and leadership in action with a youth participatory research component.
Advanced Joven Noble Training Slots: 30 certified Joven Noble facilitators. 4.5 days in person.

Girasol Young Women’s Rites of Passage
This training is designed to support educational institutions and community-based organizations goal to develop and implement a culturally based, trauma informed, healing based program for adolescent young women. This promising practice curriculum incorporates a healing informed, culturally responsive philosophy to embrace, engage and assist female youth to face life’s challenges in a healthy, pro-social way. It also focuses on reducing school suspensions and expulsions, increasing academic achievement and school completion and improving health outcomes for youth in general.
Training Slots: 30 people in-person and 20 virtual. 3 days in-person training or 4.5 days of virtual sessions.

Cara y Corazón – Face and Heart Family Strengthening Program
Cara y Corazón is a culturally based family strengthening/community mobilization program that assists parents and other extended family to raise and teach their children with a positive bicultural base. Parents are given space and skills to acknowledge their current relationship with their children, reconnect with strained relationships, and have a space to process their own baggage and gifts. Successful completion leads to the creation of a local network of support.
Training Slots: 30 people in person & 20 virtual training. 3 days in person or 4.5 days of virtual sessions.

Raising Children with P.R.I.D.E.: A Teen Fatherhood Program
Raising Children with PRIDE is comprehensive multi-cultural and generational based fatherhood program that assists expectant, new, and existing fathers & guardians to be positive influences in the lives of their children and family while assisting them in dealing with the multitude of day-to-day challenges they face.
Training Slots: 30 people in person and 20 virtual training. 3.5 days in person or 4.5 days of virtual sessions.

Circle Keeper – Healing and Support Circles
A core aspect of La Cultura Cura is the development of circles of support, healing, and community development. True indigenous based restorative practices are used as a foundation to create a culture and climate that focuses on relationship-based connections.
Training Slots: 30 people in person and 20 virtual training. 2.5 days in person or 3.5 days of virtual sessions.