
National Comadres Newsletter #25 (June 2022)

Reflections from Comadre Marisol Valencia Rincon,
AMFT, Psychology Student, Circle Keeper

Bendiciones Comadres

My name is Marisol Valencia Rincon, y es un honor compartir in this month’s newsletter.
For the past three years, I have been intentional in participating in healing sacred circles as part of my healing journey. Being willing to try something new is not easy for me; being vulnerable in front of people and sharing my cargas y regalos was really unfamiliar to me. I grew up very protective of my surrounding, so reaching out for help was the first step. So, I did the next best thing, I joined Women’s Empowerment, Curanderismo, Xicanx Psychology, Healing Rage, Kundalini Yoga, Yoga, Afro-Cuban Dancing, Mentorship, Coaching, and Comadres Healing Circles. It created such a ripple effect that I was not expecting and would like to share some teachings I received and hope to see you in sacred circle someday.

Teachings from being in Sacred Circle

Sacred Circle offered me the space to accept the phases of my healing, the good, the unknown, and the messy. It became a place for me to unlearn the ways that did not serve me and embrace the Nepantla.

Sacred Circle has been a gentle container in my healing process and witnessed my wounds and wisdom. Reminded me that my rage is sacred and my joy is too. That healing is in our bloodline and we are rooted in ancestral rage, medicine, and wisdom.
Sacred Circle taught me to be compassionate for the times I neglected, shut down, shamed, and numbed my needs. A place for desahogo, honor my voice and stand in my truth. To embrace my softness and take no shit implementing boundaries and discernment.
Sacred Circle modeled how to be present. To attend to what was coming up for me, acknowledge it, witness others healing journey, and share from the heart. To be compassionate with other mujexs and comadres in their healing journey and hold space for them. Sacred Circle offered me grace, teaching me to remain teachable. Sacred Circle reminded me of the remedios and medicina within me. To connect with the elements and flor y canto as we pray with dance. Sacred Circle was the weekly/monthly ceremony that I needed. Being around mujerxs and comadres who reminded me to breathe, to be still, to check in with my water, that cried with me, and prayed with me and for me, and remind me of my sacredness. It feels good to be seen and held.

I would like to thank the Maestrxs that have held space for me in circulos. I am deeply humbled and grateful for your medicine and support.

“The circle has healing power. In the circle, we are all equal. When in the circle no one is in front of you. No one is behind you. No one above you. No one is below you. The scared circle is designated to create unity. The hoop of life is also a circle. On this hoop, there is a place for every species, every race, every tree, and every plant. It is this completeness of life that must be respected in order to bring about health on this planet.” – Dave Chief, Oglala Lakota

Con cariño y respeto.
Hope to see you en circulo algun dia.
Bendiciones, Ometeotl, Asé.

Marisol Valencia Rincon

To view the entire newsletter and to see the National Comadres monthly book recommendation, please click this LINK