Mario Ozuna-Sanchez
Mario Ozuna-Sánchez has over 25 years of experience developing and implementing cultural rites of passage, restorative practices, teen-pregnancy prevention, gang intervention, and community-violence prevention services in Santa Clara County, specializing in East San Jose. He is nationally recognized for his skills at developing and delivering culturally relevant services to reach and welcome the most marginalized youth and men in the community.
His skills were first honed out of necessity. Born and raised in East Los Angeles, he grew up in a family impacted by alcoholism, domestic violence, gangs, and drug-addicted family members. A father by the age of 15, with the help of his mother, he overcame many barriers and obstacles to accomplish his goals of finishing high school and attending San Jose State University, where he is currently a candidate for two Bachelor of Arts degrees in psychology and sociology.
Mario resides in Gilroy, California with his wife Blasa and is the proud father of Miguel Fernando, Iliana Esperanza, Alejandro “AB’, and Tata to Julianna Marie.