National Comadres Newsletters


National Comadres Newsletter #21 (February 2022)

Buen dia amazing mujeres! As the world celebrates LOVE this February, I was thinking about how...

National Comadres Newsletter #20 (January 2022)

Greeting Comadres! Preparing to set intentions for 2022, I stumbled on these words from some of...

National Comadres Newsletter #17 (October 2021)

Imperfectly Perfect: I think Gloria said it best when she described her path to re-connecting to...

National Comadres Newsletter #16 (September 2021)

Getting to Zero: Balance is a buzzword these days. With people overworking, struggling to make ends...

National Comadres Newsletter #15 (August 2021)

Settling our bodies for more healing and movimiento: The scientists are telling us time is running...

National Comadres Newsletter #14 (July 2021)

Greetings Relatives, I hope everyone here and your loved ones are doing well at this...

National Comadres Newsletter #13 (June 2021)

Greetings Mujeres! I hope you and your families are doing well at this time. However,...

National Comadres Newsletter #12 (May 2021)

Greetings Beautiful Mujeres from Maestra Susie!As we are all about to be graced with the...

National Comadres Newsletter #11 (April 2021)

Greetings!We truly hope you all are doing well and managing the tumultuous ride we have...

National Comadres Newsletter #10 (March 2021)

Greetings!While I was thinking of Women’s Month, my mind went to this memory.  As a...